Sunday, January 15, 2006

14 January 2006

It's working!!

The promotion team is working :))) It makes me feel really happy... I just got home from our meeting... and this time Jeroen and Jani joined us. So, the team was complete. And everyone was contributing!

Everyone has experience from doing promotion in a way or another. And it seems to be a diverse group. And during the meeting they really were challanging my thinking. Or maybe I was just a bit slow ;)

No, really.. I had a different idea at the beginning. So I kind of consider this as a compromise. Cos at some point I felt they were going against the plan, but then I figured out they were just having a different understanding of the plan :) It's good that we made it clear. Though I had to explain to myself their understanding.

But anyways, all together I feel optimistic about the promotion. They care about the campaign I have to start thinking about the Info Sessions. Who to invite, how to build up...

And of course, my absence from the LC planning makes things a bit difficult, but in a way I am happy that it is not going to be me telling them what to do and how to do... It will be their plan. Though I will preapre a planning template for them... only for helping the process.

I have an exam the day after tomorrow, should study, I don't want to make my situation too challanging... End of january is crowded enough without another exam.

I feel motivated. Great that I have people to trust :)

Thursday, January 12, 2006

12 January 2006

Shit happens...

How crucial it can be when you realise you were wrong with a tiny little week...
Especially when things should be ready a week earlier than you had planned...

Everything is piling up... crazy... the end of january is getting way too crowded. But the biggest mistake... I cannot be present at our LC planning!!!!!!

On the other hand, we got a week more for the promotion campaign, which is rather satisfying. The promotion planning should be ready by that time anyways. So it does not effect the timeline too much in this sense. But the EB and LC planning has to happen earlier.

How could we make such a mistake???

Too many things got my attention lately... I have to give up something and cut off some activities.
And focus on the important ones.
- exams

I had a rather disappointing chat with one our exLCP...
She was proposing a task (related to externals) which I was not enthusiastic about. And, since, till now, we didn't have LC plan (and still not completely) resulting in, almost, no work to delegate, our newies have close to non work-experience in AIESEC.
Naturally, this state comes from bad operation of previous years.

But back to my disappointment.
So we have this idea in the EB to totally renew the way we operate (also we have different reality now). This is going to be the first time the LC will have a proper plan. It is a sign of growing up...
We have a lot of place for improvement... but we set a way, which I think will lead towards an appropriate operation.
Not to mention all the changes going on globally...

Certainly, up dating the older generations was an issue. But hasn't happened. This chat clearly showed that it would be for our benefit.

I think we are making a bigger mistake than misreading the dates.

We are not following the golden rules of change management...

COMMUNICATION! There is no communication, whatsoever, from our side about the changes we want to implement.

Why are we not focusing on it?

We sad it will be okay to do all the sharing in the planning camp. Now I'm definitely questioning it...

It feels we won't provide enough time for them to digest things. We just want them to accept everything we say...


Saturday, January 07, 2006

07 January 2006

It seems it was not that big mistake after all. We gonna have the meeting soon... And I'm more myself today... so it's okay.

Friday, January 06, 2006

06 January 2006

I think I made a mistake today...

I had that meeting with Andri today about the promotion planning. More precisely, I should have had...
But I cancelled it. I was way too tired after getting up early to pick Jeroen from the airport...

I tried to call her, but her phone was off... I wrote a mail too.
On the other hand, I didn't receive any complaint, like why are you not here, etc... I really wonder if she has forgotten about it. And I still cannot reach her...

Blah... I'm way behind schedule.

And worried... is it that I don't trust people? Hm...
I wonder how to talk to people about it... my worries.

06 January 2006

Hm... I feel that we are already late...
I'm quite anxious about this whole thing now... promotion, recruitment,...
And, actually, I just feel I would like to leave this whole thing behind...

Maybe I deal too much with AIESEC... at the same time I think that it's not enough...

Blah, I could have a week holiday...

Thursday, January 05, 2006

05 January 2006

Right... I made those calls.
Actually, I managed to set more things than planned.

I can't wait to have the LC planning and clear who is responsible for what... it's too messy at the moment.
Even in the EB... would be nice to have a meeting with them. I haven't received comments about the part of the planning we did so far... would be useful.

I will be away before the planning... I don't even know if I will have access to internet. It makes things a bit more complicated. I would like to have certain things agreed beforehand.

I should be in Miskolc... Difficult to arrange meeting while I'm in Budapest.

05 January 2006

First post of the new year...

Im a little bit behind my schedule. I did manage to arrange some things, but no follow up, and other things still need to be carried out.

I guess I need to phone... no more time for mails (i was a bit lazy this week...).

So I'd better get myself together :)

I will get back here later this week.
Jeroen is coming tomorrow and I have a meeting with Andri late afternoon.