Tuesday, March 21, 2006

21 March 2006

I had a very busy day today.

Ah... success :D (something I just arranged...)

So... I started with a class, then a personal meeting, then another class, then a meeting and another meeting and also personal meeting for the end. And a lot of things to do still...

I should think over my plans for this semester... As some things are done already, some new things came. One working group finished its work, other started. And I also have some projects of my own. Besides school work.

Mentoring seems to get started. We have really good materials for it. Just let's start! :) Need to get experience in it...

Ah.. I have a lot of things to work on. Of course high quality needs more time and effort, but I don't mind. I like to keep the level high. At the moment the atmosphere is rather supporting. Luckily.

I think I also developing my feedback giving/receiving skills. At least it feels more natural now to do it. And also the lobbying skills :) building up my arguments and stuff.

But probably I also made a mistake today. By leading a meeting I was not supposed to. Even during the meeting I felt a bit uncomfortable that I took over the control. I will talk to the person who was supposed to do that job. I will try to figure out how she felt, whether she noticed and what to do to avoid such in the future.

You can so easily create confusion if you don't act according to your role. And I did this.

The roles should be clear for everyone.

Okay... I will spend some now time thinking over my priorities and tasks.

And will get back to the blog tomorrow. I promise! I have it written in my calendar for each day :)


At 7:38 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

time + commitment + luck = success :-)


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