Thursday, March 23, 2006

23 March 2006

Yeah, one more thing...

I would die without filofax.
I love my calendar that I got from Pepez for xmas! It's just great! :-*

23 March 2006

Today was quite fruitful...

Loads of meeting nowadays... Now I started with a meeting about a seminar work. Then about another seminar work. Then I had two meeting preparing our mentors. Then an EB meeting...

Ah, my schedule is pretty busy. I only have time to do sth personal in the evening (or not at all). And I still do a lot of AIESEC stuff after I get home. Usually after 7 or 8 pm. Like: writing to blog ;) emailing, and other things I need computer for.

We hold the EB meeting downtown. Which provided a relaxing atmoshpere, I think. And it was good for a change :)
We didn't stay too long which was also good. I wrote a question in the previous post. Well, we didnt get an answer... But the situation seems to change now. However, I still think it would be useful to figure out what happened.

One more thing, about deadlines...
There is a conference for which the application deadline is tomorrow noon. I communicated a four day earlier date. But people called me just today how to make the application. Baah...
Then I realized they figured out the actual deadline.. so didn't make too much effort to do the application beforehand.

Should find a good solution for solving these kind of problems...

23 March 2006

What can be the reason if someone is "not working"? Actually we are not sure whether working or not. Because it is just not visible... But so much not visible that noone can see. And of course people are making assumptions. So that one gets into a negative light. And this can be dangerous if the one is supposed to lead those people.
Makes the impression that the one is lazy... or demotivated. Or just simply not communicating, not coming to events,... so what is the reason?? And what is happening really?

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

21 March 2006

I had a very busy day today.

Ah... success :D (something I just arranged...)

So... I started with a class, then a personal meeting, then another class, then a meeting and another meeting and also personal meeting for the end. And a lot of things to do still...

I should think over my plans for this semester... As some things are done already, some new things came. One working group finished its work, other started. And I also have some projects of my own. Besides school work.

Mentoring seems to get started. We have really good materials for it. Just let's start! :) Need to get experience in it...

Ah.. I have a lot of things to work on. Of course high quality needs more time and effort, but I don't mind. I like to keep the level high. At the moment the atmosphere is rather supporting. Luckily.

I think I also developing my feedback giving/receiving skills. At least it feels more natural now to do it. And also the lobbying skills :) building up my arguments and stuff.

But probably I also made a mistake today. By leading a meeting I was not supposed to. Even during the meeting I felt a bit uncomfortable that I took over the control. I will talk to the person who was supposed to do that job. I will try to figure out how she felt, whether she noticed and what to do to avoid such in the future.

You can so easily create confusion if you don't act according to your role. And I did this.

The roles should be clear for everyone.

Okay... I will spend some now time thinking over my priorities and tasks.

And will get back to the blog tomorrow. I promise! I have it written in my calendar for each day :)

Thursday, March 16, 2006

16 March 2006

One very important thing... Don't let somebody be responsible for two major things/projects/whatever after each other, or actually, simultaneously...

What do I mean?

My example: Promotion & Selection & Induction & other stuff... simply because it is tiring. Split responsibilities!

Let's go through the happenings from January.
It started with the people planning.
It's a good thing to plan with it, and there are tools that make it quite easy (and track the existing members). But... It definitely requires planning beforehand, which in this case was not complete... And I somehow feel that things don't happen in the right order and at the right time.

People planning done... Let's say.

Then: promotion planning.
We had the OC up... which is good. And we did make plans, though did not follow it 100%. We still need to have the evaluation meeting. I will write it here later.

In numbers we achieved the goals. Later we can measure the quality as well.

Then the AIESEC camp.
Chair person was well chosen ;-) Hackli, if you are interested.
And we invited Csilli (BCE) and Ditke (Szeged) to be facilitators. This was the first time we used the agenda and sessions prepared by the HR teem last summer.

Please people, comment it here. Would like to have your feedbacks, evaluations.

I will continue soon. Have to clean the shower... I promised to Pepez :-))) He left earlier from work just to be there at our camp. Thanks, you were a great help!

Saturday, March 11, 2006

11 March 2006

I have to admit it's not easy... for me. I should really make blogging a daily activity.

I would have enough things to say.

Especially now.
We are over the promotion and the camp for newcomers... right in the middle of induction. So, way too many things happened.

Before I start writing about this period, I have one thing to say/remember:

When you feel really down, really alone,... just wait, a little bit, and never make crucial decisions in such situation... being down and alone... cos the situation will soon change, but the crucial decisions, already made, will have longlasting effects.