Wednesday, December 28, 2005

28 December 2005

Huh.. a week passed again.

Christmas is over. Though Santa comes twice this year ;) Just on the way from Finland :))))

Okay... I still havent done my schedule... but a totally new, very cool and a bit pricey filofax is on the way with "Santa"... Can't wait to get it! So there will be no excuse to do the timeline now...

I talked to Andri... She is quite enthusiastic about the promotion. I have to prepare a package for her. For doing the planning.
Yeah, I read some AI (Aiesec International) materials... pretty useful. About promotion and campaign. I think I'm getting the point now.

Oh... and more interesting thing :))) I got in contact with somebody from the Korean MC... wuhuu... Korea! Here I come! Hehe :) But seriously, if there is a slight chance to go there, I will grab the opportunity.
He seemed to be really friendly.

I will talk to him more often if I can.

That's it for today. I start seriously working now. I got my files (e and printed) arranged... Nothing preventing me from doing sth useful :)

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

21 December 2005

And then I will write to our not graduating members, about plans, promotion, the connection between... and their role... and commitment.

Just to remind myself :)

So.. what tasks do I see till the EB planning in February...

(- Study.)
- Get myself prepared.
- Write down everything (I have difficulties with this - but having this blog makes it easier :) though I plan to have sth like a timeline only for myself, cos sometimes I have time but I stil spend it with nonsense stuff - not now, I was collecting useful resources and kept systemizing my files).
- Make the timeline.
- Finnish planning, prepare introducing it.
- Print some materials (its easier to work with prints).

- Think...

For HR:

- People planning
- Promotion planning
- Induction preparation

For OGX:

- Have the remaining meetings with the SNs...

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

20 December 2005

It's been a week.
So let's see what happened:

I passed a test in statistics!!! wohoo... It's important as it makes my life much easier... well... I have to admit I skipped a course too, but it wasn't that crucial.

So the thing is, that i don't have to worry about anything now... and can deal with @ (=AIESEC) stuff... mostly during whole January :))))
I still can't do AIESEC and school as others, but who cares? I do it my way :)

Other AIESEC related things:
I made an @Xmas card :) with dad, and he printed it out too... I got good feedbacks. They are already posted.
We continued the EB planning on thursday... didn't get as far as planned since some materials were missing. But we kinda agreed on some basic things concerning membership (criteria, rights, ..).

The HR meeting output is not yet uploaded.. so I couldn't get my promotion OC (=organizing committee) together... I'm still not sure who should be in it :( And it seems -again- I will have the most free time during Jan. How should I delegate tasks then?

The EB is pretty enthusiastic, no problem with that. The promotion is crucial, has to make it really well! People planning first... luckily I have time for it :)

And then I will write to our not graduating members, about plans, promotion, the connection between... and their role... and commitment.

Eszter sent us the ideal LC structure intro - most likely we will pioneer it in Hungary. Since we don't have a structure ("at all") and can plan with the new one. It's quite exciting actually... I will read it through carefully.
And the EB agreed that we can extend our term. Now the difficulty comes how to tell it to the LC (=local committee)...

One personal comment for last:
If I will stay an EB (officially starting another term) even though only for 3 months, I won't be allowed to apply for any national position :((( And I was thinking about MC coordinator or , naturally, NTT (=national trainers team)...

(Blaah... I just remember, I had a chat with Edit (NTT president) about it... in my dream today... :S)

Well, these are the things at the moment.

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

School vs AIESEC

It's already the second term going like this...

How could I progress with my studies when putting most of my time and energy into AIESEC?
Some can do...
Why can't I??

Monday, December 12, 2005

Today and something extra

I managed to complete some tasks. (from the ones listed earlier)

I wrote the report to the EB.
I called Isaac - everything depends on IPM (International Presidents Meeting). If he goes, he cannot be our chair. Then I will try to ask somebody else.
I called the marketing institute (Piskóti).

I did some cleaning up in my mailbox and in my AIESEC folder... restructuring it a bit (huge task!).

And sth extra for today:

The "ART of Delegation" :)

1. have a defined task
2. select the right person
3. assess the knowledge
4. explain why him/her
5. define results
6. give tools, resources
7. set deadlines (challanging)
8. support communication - agree on the form of comm..
9. give feedback, motivate


Just though there might be people who are not from AIESEC reading this.
AIESEC is full of abbreviations, I try to make it a bit clear:

EB - Executive Board - local leading body
MC - Member Committee - national leading body
(V)P - (Vice)President - on local or national level
F - responsible for finance
OGX - responsible for outgoing exchange
ICX - responsible for incoming exchange
ER - responsible for external relations
HR - responsible for human resources
L - responsible for learning
MD - responsible for member development
R(O) - reception (welcoming incoming trainees, etc)

When something appeares, I'll write it in the actual blog.

12 December 2005

New day...
Sunny day :)
I devote this day to studying... but in the breaks I will arrange some smaller things, like calls and emails.

I posted the meeting minutes yesterday, it was pretty urgent, but I wanted to check our members, whether we had enough voting members there last time. But its okay...

Hm... I was wondering about a task... collecting all the info about our exchanges to an excel file, I guess I should delegate this. I will only make the sheet. But of course that person has to have XP test done.

Oh... I should have a hm.. what is it called... a board that is easy to clean. I would write my tasks in the urgent/important matrix. And make the changes when necessary. We should have one in the office too.

I really would like to see the new office.

Well, I'd better start doing sth.
I still have the marketing essay to do :(

Sunday, December 11, 2005

11 December 2005

We had an EB meeting with our MC coach early this week... Then a national HR team meeting.

I'm not very good with writing diary stuff, but I'm facing sth really new... a very challanging semester and want to put everything down, so that it will help me (and maybe others too) to be able to understand, analyse and evalute all the things that are happening in the next half a year.

How do I start that upcoming half-year? Aka: the situation now.

We are 3 in the EB (Petra-P/VPF, Juci-VPER/ICX and me-VPHR/OGX). Our MC coach Eszter-VPHR.

As I said earlier, we had coaching visit this week where we completed a SWOT of our LC and started a proper strategical planning based on the MC plan and priorities which were set at the last National Planning in April.
Since our LC exists only since 2 years, we don't have too many things implemented. This year is kind of a tabula rasa for us. Which is on one hand really good as the organization has all the tools developed for the new core work. On the other hand not the best as the results were coming from the outstanding contribution of certain individuals... who are leaving the organization.

So this is going to be tough, but if succesful... :)

The blog is also going contain my daily tasks. Let's see them now:

School -
two presentations, two tests and a paper to hand in. Only for next week. After that its exam time...

AIESEC - for next two weeks
0. Post meeting minutes!
1. email to Gróf (alumnus), he is a key account manager - I want to ask for help concerning account management. But since I was not in contact with him for a while I'd better write about sth else first.
2. Petra - ask for the text for the Xmas Greetings cards.
3. Call Isaac to figure out if he can come to help with promotion or be chair for the newie camp.
4. Prepare calendar for next semester.
5. Get OC for promotion!!! - prepare materials.
6. Print Xmas cards.
7. Goodbye party for Patricia and Florian- take the presents.
8. Meet Piskóti - money issue...
9. Prepare for EB meeting.
10. Post cards! - get addresses.
11. Prepare for people planning.
12. Report to EB from HR meeting.

Hm... that's all...

Some other comments and then I finish.
I'm quite worried about the promotion (who should be in the OC???), critical for us... have to do it effeciently also with the induction...
And how to deal with the guys who "were recruited" in September...
How am I going to work with new people???

I guess it will be easier when we have the plan ready... Till then I'm quite anxious...